Since 2023 I am Founder Member, Photographer and Curator at 3162 Nostalgia: We are a community of young visual artists based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. We organize group exhibitions, solo exhibitions and we encourage young artists to show to others their art, to obtain sponsors and spaces for their projects. Since 2022 I am Founder Member and Actress at Les Chobeaux Theatre: We are a small theatre company based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. We made together 3 theatre plays for adults and one for kids, we participated in lots of Theatre Festivals and Competitions and we also held Theatre Workshops for kids from poor regions in our country. Since 2016 I start performing in several theatre shows, different genres: Dance Theatre, Commedia dell Arte (Arlecchino), Performance Theatre, School Plays, Musical Theatre and Physical Theatre. Working both in english and romanian. I also participated in group photography exhibitions and in summer 2023 I had my first solo exhibition called “Blueproject: the fragile line between fragility and death”.
Here is my linktree
With all the usefull links together